May 3, 2013
An old friend from high school saw this and sent it to me because it pretty much sums up my 4 teenage years at Thurgood Marshall. I was the free spirited, very different, wild child who got alot of negative attention as result. Being Bi-racial (“Coffee w/ Cream’ as my momma always used to say) and different in a very African-American school made me an easy target and it wasn’t until my senior year that people really began to understand and respect me. Needless to say, all the teasing and crying and confusion really just made me stronger…so the point of this story is to let you children be who they are, support them in their quirks, even when it hurts you and them…because one day it’ll all make sense and they will be the amazing person they were meant to be and the people who shunned them for it will still be lame.