Green, Blue, Yellow, Family, Orange, Teal, Gold, Love, USC, Surprise, BIG Surprise, Shakespeare, College Sweathearts, Jersey Girls, Captain, Light-Rail, Greek Food (every night), Mr. Kitty, Matt Cain’s Baesball, Bling, Ice Cream Truck, SOMA, Wuv…True Wuv, Cooking Utensils, Marching Band, Feathers, Fist, Converse, My Little Pony, Lily’s, Homemade Beer, PhotoBooth, Pac the Photographer, Bike, Amazing, Absolutely Perfect Pair, Go Giants, 7-8, Ring Pop, Trojans…I couldn’t post just one.
My friends at Dreams on Dime found this and I wanted to share it with you.
The Knot surveyed 20,000 couples who got married in 2012 to find out the average cost of weddings and the top 25 most expensive cities to get married. The average cost across the country came out to nearly $25,000 with San Francisco coming in at 10th (most expensive) with costs averaging $35,344
Most of the time you’re going to be getting ready in hotel or venue’s bridal suite so you’re not going to have access to the ‘just in case’ things you have all over your home and the last thing you want is to be scrambling to find a bobby pin, scissors, spot remover, lint roller, bandaids, aspirin, chalk or the other 20 things you might need. We bring alot of these items with us to our wedding locations just in case there is an emergency, but packing a little kit of “just in case” items can be the difference between a smooth ‘getting ready’ process and a hectic one. So while I know your todo list is endless take some time to go through this list and personalize it based on little things you know you might need! Have a fabulous wedding!!!!