Tag Archives: portraits

Party Like A Rockstar | The Gorgeous & Talented Heather Powell | Bay Area

October 8, 2013

This shoot has been in the works for what feels like years! Heather and I had started planning for this shoot a few years back but then life got in way and we fell out of touch, and then one day an email pops up in my screen and it’s Heather and she’s ready and the end result was this fantastic session resulting in some of my new favorite images!

These kinds of shoots always take way longer than I think they will, but truth be told that’s one of the things I love best.  Spending hours with creative, beautiful, talented, inspiring musicians and artists…I mean really? How lucky am I? And this shoot was no different, we spent the afternoon laughing and chatting the time away still managing to create these damn fine images (if I do say so myself).

Thank you for an amazing adventure Ms Heather and I’m thrilled to be able to call you a friend…Stay fabulous darling!

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